Guest Shop
Overview: Guests are sent a specialized url link via text that includes a web app with assorted menus based on reservation status.
Menu Set up:
- Go to Admin – Items
- Select New Category
- Item Name – this will be the name of the menu that the guest sees
- Parent Category – If you have a parent category select it here, for instance Food and Beverage
- Allow Misc – not necessary for menus
- Select the checkbox for Available in Store
- Order window Start and End Times – Select the times that guests are able to make the order. The date is based on another section
- Delivery Start and End Times – Select the times which the items will be available for delivery.
- Date Selection Boxes
- Arrival Date – These items can be ordered and delivered on the reservation’s arrival date, before check in.
- Tomorrow – These items can be ordered today for delivery tomorrow. I.e. breakfast ordered the night before delivery.
- Today – These items can be ordered today for delivery today.
- Menu description – This free form text box will show text at the top of the web app menu page.
- Instructions – This free form text box will appear above the delivery times selector in the web app menu, useful to describe the delivery process.
Sending the Guest Shop Menus to guests:
- Set up a text message workflow to target guests that you would like the message to be sent to. Include the link with and template field just as typed below:{ReservationNumber}
Guest Experience with the Web App:
- When the guest clicks on their link, the web app will list the menus that are available based on their reservation status.
- If a reservation status does not meet requirements of a particular menu, a descriptor will state reason why.
- For instance, if the guest has yet to check in and there are menus only for checked in reservations, the screen will explain, “Menus available after check in.”
- Once the guest enters the menu, they will see the menu description at the top and the delivery instruction above the area where they select a delivery time.
- Orders total at the bottom with tax and order total.
- Once the guest subits the order, the screen will read “Order Submitted.”
- If the menu order time restricts a guest from ordering on a menu, the app will still show the menu, but will explain that selected menu is not available to take orders presently.
Charges and Reporting
- Charges are posted directly to the reservation detail under Other Charges with appropriate descriptors.
- Reporting is located under Reports – Guest Orders
- The table on the left is for current open orders. Closed orders can be shown as well
- The table on the right shows the items within the order.