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SMS Guest Shop

Guest Shop

Overview: Guests are sent a specialized url link via text that includes a web app with assorted menus based on reservation status.


Menu Set up:

  1. Go to Admin – Items
  2. Select New Category
    1. Item Name – this will be the name of the menu that the guest sees
    2. Parent Category – If you have a parent category select it here, for instance Food and Beverage
    3. Allow Misc – not necessary for menus
    4. Select the checkbox for Available in Store
    5. Order window Start and End Times – Select the times that guests are able to make the order. The date is based on another section
    6. Delivery Start and End Times – Select the times which the items will be available for delivery.
    7. Date Selection Boxes
      1. Arrival Date – These items can be ordered and delivered on the reservation’s arrival date, before check in.
      2. Tomorrow – These items can be ordered today for delivery tomorrow. I.e. breakfast ordered the night before delivery.
      3. Today – These items can be ordered today for delivery today.
    8. Menu description – This free form text box will show text at the top of the web app menu page.
    9. Instructions – This free form text box will appear above the delivery times selector in the web app menu, useful to describe the delivery process.

Sending the Guest Shop Menus to guests:

  1. Set up a text message workflow to target guests that you would like the message to be sent to. Include the link with and template field just as typed below:{ReservationNumber}

Guest Experience with the Web App:

  1. When the guest clicks on their link, the web app will list the menus that are available based on their reservation status.
  2. If a reservation status does not meet requirements of a particular menu, a descriptor will state reason why.
    1. For instance, if the guest has yet to check in and there are menus only for checked in reservations, the screen will explain, “Menus available after check in.”
  3. Once the guest enters the menu, they will see the menu description at the top and the delivery instruction above the area where they select a delivery time.
  4. Orders total at the bottom with tax and order total.
  5. Once the guest subits the order, the screen will read “Order Submitted.”
  6. If the menu order time restricts a guest from ordering on a menu, the app will still show the menu, but will explain that selected menu is not available to take orders presently.

Charges and Reporting

  1. Charges are posted directly to the reservation detail under Other Charges with appropriate descriptors.
  2. Reporting is located under Reports – Guest Orders
  3. The table on the left is for current open orders. Closed orders can be shown as well
  4. The table on the right shows the items within the order.

Drag to Extend and Making Quick Quotes

Quick Quote Dates To Reserve

  1. When you click and drag the dates at the top of the grid, you are able to see the room rates for those dates all the way down the rooms grid.
  2. When you find a room type/room that you want to reserve, click the price shown and you will be taken to the reservation flow for the selected filed.

Quick Quote Unit Cell to Reserve

  1. Click hold and drag over dates of the specific unit row then it will load the total for a reservation like it does for the quick quote. Only difference is that it shows only this unit’s price
  2. If unit has a room assignment or is not available, an error message will display “Unit not Available.”
  3. The quote/price will show as a hyperlink as it does with quick quote which can be clicked in order to start the reservation flow with that unit and type.
  4. Once the reservation has been confirmed the reservation will be auto assigned to that specific unit #.

Drag Edge to Extend Stay

  1. dragging the cursor over the right border of the reservation cell will highlight the cell indicating that you are ready to drag
  2. drag the border to desired length of stay, or shorten length of stay
  3. In each case the room modification confirmation will produce, showing you possible rate changes.


Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop

  1. All reservations with small dots on the left of the reservation cell are available to drag to assign
  2. With cursor hover over the dots on the left side until you see a hand icon
  3. Click hold and drag to change dates, room assignment, or both.
  4. if you simply drag and drop to same room type, for the same dates, there will be no confirmation alert since rates or dates are not changing.
  5. When different dates or a different room type is selected, a room modification confirmation pop up will produce showing current and new rate changes associated with the room selection. At which point you can confirm or deny the move.
  6. When a reservation is dragged to the Un-Assigned room tab at the bottom left, you will see it highlight, at which point the room will become un-assigned and will be removed from the grid and will show on the Un-Assigned tab.

Owner Periods and Statements

Owner Periods

  1. When the following is complete a property is able to run owner statements:
    1. All owners have owner records created with fully filled out contracts
    2. Property Owner Transaction Fees have been entered into Property Management, under the Payment Type Management tab. (If applicable)
    3. All historical reservations have been imported to the system with room assignments.
    4. All OTA rate codes have appropriate OTA fees attached
    5. Owner charges/cleaning fees for pre-WavePM owner reservations have been entered manually to the owner records.
    6. A start date period should be run with full payments to zero balance to initiate WavePM start date. (When property management system was fully switched over to WavePM) 
    7. Enter the property logo in property Management – Main – Standard Logo URL
  2. All data can be analyzed per unit number using the Owner Revenue report before running statements. If at this time there are any questions, please reach out to  
  3. Go to Reports – Owner Statements, set a period date and click preview.
    1. Note: This process can take up to 30 minutes depending on the property and the complexity of the period being run.
  4. When statements are done being run click process.
  5. Go to Reports – Owner Periods
  6. You will see the owner period that was run with the period and the date run
    1. “Publish” means that the statements will show up in Owner Portals, select this checkbox when payments have been made and ready to deliver to owners.
  7. Within the Period report you can do the following:
    1. Print All: Prints all owner statements by Unit number. This is the only sort option for Print All. You can sort the page by owner name and print one by one. Note: If the owner owns more than one unit, each unit will have its own statement.
    2. Apply Payments: All payment amounts shown will be applied, and a date can be set. This means that payments made externally have been processed, this balances out and pushes balances forward as necessary.
    3. Re-Process Owner Statement: When working within the most recent period processed, there is an option to delete the owner statement, complete some reservation update/changes and re-process that statement for the same period.
  8. When the next period is run, it will start with the most recently run statement.

Owner Portal

Owner Portal

Registering Owner

  1. The owner record should have been entered into Admin-Owner/Customers along with a unit contract.
  2. The owner can go to in order to register for the portal
  3. The email that they use should be the email used in the owner record
  4. Once the owner enters their email into the registration page and clicks Register, they will receive an email with instructions to set their password.

Portal Configuration

  1. The portal calendar will show all dates of the owned unit with:
    1. Confirmed and assigned renter reservations
    2. Owner reservations booked
    3. Room Holds/Maintenance Blocks
  2. Using the calendar the owner can make reservations directly through the portal
  3. The portal includes completed period statements
  4. There is a documents page that will show all owners uploaded documents sent by the management company/property
  5. On the owner record, under info there is a checkbox when if checked will give owners access to their properties Property Revenue Report, when checked, that owners portal will show an additional tab for the report which they can toggle for any dates.



Guest Charge Items

  1. One function of Items is to set up common reservation charges
  2. First create a category for example “Cancelation Fees.”
  3. To set up Charge Item Categories only the Name, Parent Category, and allow misc should be entered.
    1. Parent Category can be used when tying to another category as it’s Parent, for instance you could create a parent category of “Room Revenue Charges” and have a subcategory of Cancellation Fees.
    2. Allow misc allows users to select a miscellaneous charge and describe it, under a certain parent category. For example a user could select “Cancelation Fees,” and then enter a miscellaneous charge that is not yet defined along with notes.
  4. After the category is set up, Items can be set up under that category. 
  5. Select new Item, fill in name, price and fill out appropriate taxes.


Guest Shop Menu Items


  1. Select New Category
  2. Name – this will be the name of the menu that the guest sees
  3. Parent Category – If you have a parent category select it here, for instance Food and Beverage
  4. Allow Misc – not necessary for menus
  5. Select the checkbox for Available in Store
  6. Order window Start and End Times – Select the times that guests are able to make the order. 
  7. Delivery Start and End Times – Select the times which the items will be available for delivery.
  8. Date Selection Boxes
      1. Arrival Date – These items can be ordered and delivered on the reservation’s arrival date, before check in.
      2. Tomorrow – These items can be ordered today for delivery tomorrow. I.e. breakfast ordered the night before delivery.
      3. Today – These items can be ordered today for delivery today.
  9. Menu description – This free form text box will show text at the top of the web app menu page.
  10. Instructions – This free form text box will appear above the delivery times selector in the web app menu, useful to describe the delivery process.
  11. Now menu items can be created for the menu.



  1. User access is handled under Admin – Users
  2. Default Property – If multiple properties, a default property can be set, this will be the first property seen when logged in.
  3. Visible Properties – If multiple properties exist, users viewable properties can be listed which will give them access to multiple properties.
  4. Is active – in order to activate/deactivate users without deleting.
  5. Days on Grid Before Check In Date – Can set up the rooms grid to show additional past dates than the default which shows yesterday forward.
  6. Language – Can be set to Spanish or English
  7. User level access levels are:
    1. Housekeeper – Has no system access except Housekeeper mobile view and functionality.
    2. General User – Front Desk or Office user who has access to do most all day to day actions, limited accounting functions.
    3. Supervisor User – Has all the access as the general user with some more advanced access specified by the property administrator. Can create general users.
    4. Accounting User – Has full system access, can create supervisor level access.
    5. Manage Users – Property Administrator, has full system access, can create all user levels
      1. Access of all user levels can be customized with WavePM support.


Adding Rates

  1. Set Up Rate Plan
    1. Set up your base rate, usually this is the rate that you would sell when reservations were made on property. Usually a rack rate or best available rate. Further along in the rate set up properties will be able to price in any way necessary.
    2. Must enter in a 3 or 4 letter rate code along with a description. 
    3. Set up as active, and synch WIndsurfer Enabled
    4. Add begin and end stay and begin sell dates
    5. You can add deposit as a percentage, click add range to see more options based on length of stay.
    6. Resort Fee and Calculation type
      1. One time
      2. Per night
      3. Percentage
    7. Add Guarantee and Cancellation Policies
  2. OTA options
    1. OTA Fee
      1. OTA Fee Percentage
      2. OTA Fee flat rate
    2. OTA Tax: Some OTAs include sales/occupancy tax in their bookings, so we have the option of withholding Sales or Occupancy tax from the booking. True/False check boxes for Sales/Occ Tax
  3. Adding Rates to rate plan
    1. Click to highlight rate plan and room types, availability, and restrictions will and dates will load below.
    2. In order to mass edit rates, under the room type column, click the TYPE – Price 
    3. In the pop up, fill out:
      1. Start and End Date of the price
      2. Days of the week of the price
      3. Price per night
    4. Repeat if necessary for multiple seasons
    5. Available rooms can be set in the same manner if your inventory changes
      1. Note that you can not increase availability above physical limit
        1. If you wish to oversell a room type, go to Reports, Inventory and set the Blocked link for the date to -1, -2, etc.
    6. The Min LOS stands for minimum length of stay
      1. Fill out the pop up as you wish
    7. Closed to Arrival, restricts anyone from arriving on certain days.


Create a new Room Type:

  1. Create the new room type
  2. Run a reservation report for all future dates
    1. Export CSV and sort by unit#
    2. Get all reservations that are assigned to the old unit# for future dates
    3. Unassign all reservations
  3. Change the unit# to the new room type
  4. Reassign all reservations to the new unit room type 
    1. Rates would be 0.00 for this new room type so ensure that you have the rates you want on those reservations
  5. Check all season on Inventory Report
    1. Check old room type under “Blocked” to ensure that there are no dates with blocked rooms.
      1. If there are any blocked rooms this means there are reservations with the old Type on those dates.
  6. Add rates/restrictions to the new type
  7. Configure the new type in Siteminder, ensure that you complete all mapping
  8. Go to Wave RACK/BAR rate plan and force Rates/Availability/Restrictions to siteminder for all future dates

Deleting a Unit or Room Type

  1. In order to delete a unit, the unit must not be occupied by any reservations past, present, or future.
    1. If property includes ownership, the unit number must not be associated with an owner contract. If so, contract must be deleted.
  2. If deleting a room type, all units of room type must refer to #1. 


Inventory Variance

  1. If it is seen that there is a variance in inventory there are a couple ways to see what is causing this.
    1. Check the Inventory Report under reports.
      1. This will show you for each room type under a date how many reservations are reserved for a given date, how many available, and how many blocked.
      2. The “Blocked” number is how many of the room type has been taken out of inventory which can be altered from the Inventory Report or the Room Rate Management page in Admin.
      3. Sometimes when making major changes to room types and inventory, this blocked number can be affected. Simply click the number and change in order to correct.
      4. If upon inspection, you are unable to locate the issue, report this to support immediately.
  2. WavePM allows users to alter already confirmed reservations to oversell the property by altering dates of these reservations.[

Restriction Sync (With Windsurfer)

  1. When restriction don’t seem to be syncing with Windsurfer, reset a future restriction value on your base rate and Save. 
  2. Click Sync icon and check Windsurfer, restrictions should have updated across all rate plans.


Changing Room Type of a Unit

  1. Create new room type
    1. If the room type you are going to use already exists move to step 2.
  2. In reservations menu, fill the “Check In Start” field with today’s date, leave all other fields blank except “Confirmed,” run and export to CSV
  3. Delete all rows that are not assigned to the room you will change. Keep this report for backup.
  4. Find and delete all room assignments from all future reservations.
  5. Go to room management and change type of the room number to the new type.
  6. Go back to the CSV and change all reservations that were assigned to that unit # to the new room type.
  7. If removing a room type altogether, delete the room old room type. If there are issues with this contact support, there may be past reservations assigned.
  8. Go to Reports, Inventory and check future dates of all room types to ensure the “Blocked” row dates all show 0.
  9. Check Siteminder/CRS to ensure that correct room type availability is showing, if not, go to Wave Rates page and Force Sync the RACK/Base rate inventory for all dates.


SMS Guest Surveys

Guest Surveys

Survey Admin

  1. Under Admin , Manage Properties, Guest Surveys
  2. Here is where you can set up Surveys for either guests or owners.
  3. Choose the guest type and add a Survey Name
  4. The survey invite text will be sent out to all departures of that guest type at their departure time
  5. Check the box in order to send invite SMS at checkout time.
  6. If the property prefers to send via email, the email subject and text fields need to be filled out.
    1. If left Blank, nothing will be sent via email

Survey Set Up

  1. Go to Admin, Guest Surveys
  2. Select New Survey
    1. Add name and ID, ID can be anything
    2. Check the active box.
  3. Select New Question
    1. Add the question text under Question
    2. Display order of the question, for example 1,2,3 etc.
    3. Hint: this is how you qualify the answer to the question, for instance if you choose are asking a guest to rate something you would fill in 1= Poor, 5 = Excellent
    4. Make sure to select a question category from the pull down menu, if the question does not relate to any category listed it should be left blank.
      1. The room condition category will be used to show unique scores by unit number in room management. Two room condition category scores will show.
    5. Type: This is the Type of question you are asking
      1. Ranking: These are scale questions, “rate your stay on a scale of 1 to 5” the hint would provided to give the customer some direction
      2. Options: you will be able to provide options for the guest to select which one best fits their answer, for example the question asks about their check in experience, options might be “Very welcoming,” “somewhat Welcoming” etc.
      3. Text: Open text answers
    6. Options
      1. Highlight the question which this option is referring to
      2. Select New Option
      3. This is where you provide the answer portion of the survey
        1. For a ranking question such as “how would you rate the unit cleanliness?” The option text would be 1, followed by 2, 3, 4, and 5.
        2. For an option question, you would provide text for the different options that the customer is able to select.
        3. For an open ended text question, there is no need to provide options.